Cyber Defense Institute. Inc. Authorization to Perform Vulnerability Assessment
Your company, as entered into the meeting invitation form (“Customer”), hereby authorizes Cyber Defense Institute. Inc. (CDI) to perform an web application vulnerability scan for Customer at the URL listed in the invitation form.
CDI will provide CUSTOMER with a Website Vulnerability Assessment and Executive Report, ranking the overall information security risk of the Customer’s website.
Pursuant to granting this authorization, Customer declares that:
Customer owns the systems to be tested and the undersigned has the proper authorizations from any third parties to allow CDI to perform the application security testing activities to be conducted by CDI.
Customer has created a full backup of all systems to be tested and has verified that the backup procedure will enable Customer to restore systems to their pretest state in the event testing disruptions.
Findings will be reported to Customer representatives. A combination of commercial and publicly available tools will be combined with CDI proprietary tools or techniques. ALL testing will involve non-destructive techniques and tools, although some of the techniques and tools are intrusive in nature and may result in system disruptions.
Due to the constantly changing network and systems vulnerabilities and attack techniques, CDI may not detect all vulnerabilities or security problems in CUSTOMER’s system, and CDI cannot assure complete security or invulnerability of CUSTOMER’s system.
Accordingly, CUSTOMER:
(1) Assumes sole and total responsibility and risk for the vulnerability assessment activities and reports, and agrees that CDI is not liable for any errors or inaccuracies in the report and not liable for any damages or injury caused by or in any way arising out of the activities and report; and (2) agrees the report is provided on an “as is” basis without warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, or title and warranties as to the quality, suitability, adequacy, accuracy, or completeness of the report. All such warranties are hereby expressly disclaimed by CDI.
I also recognize that I am receiving a free service that does not disclose the full details of the vulnerabilities identified on the website and that CDI has no obligation to disclose the details as part of this free assessment. Instead, CDI will provide an executive report ranking the risk of the website on a scale of “low,” “medium,” and “high.” If I want the full details of the report, I will need to purchase the Web Application Scan at a list price of $500.
As an authorized agent of CUSTOMER, I hereby authorize CDI to conduct a confidential Web ApplicationVulnerability Assessmentson our behalf on the terms and conditions stated herein.
Last Revised: May 15, 2023